Monday, December 3, 2012

Honors Program Frequently Asked Questions

How does one gain admission into the Honors Program?
To be admitted to the program, one must, in addition to meeting the requirements for admission into English I, meet ONE of the following:
  • Have a 3.5 High school GPA (on a 4.0 scale) or...
  • Have graduated from the top 20% of one's High School class or...
  • Have a 3.5 college GPA after 12 credits (in transfer courses only) or...
  • Get a recommendation from someone familiar with one's academic abilities and have an interview with the coordinator of the honors program.
How do I know if the Honors Program is right for me?
If you can meet any of the above admissions requirements, and you can answer yes to at least half of the following questions, the honors program is likely to be a great choice for you:
  • Are you a serious student who cares about learning for its own sake?
  • Would you like to compile the most impressive transcript you can in preparation for transfer to a four-year institution?
  • Are you looking for the most dynamic, innovative, and exciting educational experiences available at NCC?
  • Do you thrive in environments in which you get to take responsibility for your own work and learning experience?
  • Would you like a chance to take small, seminar-style classes with other students with strong academic skills?
Again, if this generally sounds like you, you should consider the honors program.
What are the benefits of being in the Honors Program?
  • The honors classes at NCC provide our most exciting educational opportunities. Honors classes are smaller, so they afford much more intimate ties between teachers and students. Honors learning experiences regularly take place outside the campus and students have the chance to take charge of, and responsibility for, their education, often actually choosing texts themselves or leading class discussions and presentations and even "playing teacher for a day."
  • But beyond their intrinsic benefit, having the distinction of completing, or even participating, in the honors program, will prove to transfer institutions that you are a highly motivated and academically skilled student ready to take on any of the challenges they have to offer.
  • In addition, a select number of $1000 scholarships are available to honors program participants.

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