Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Bsiness development director interview questions

  1. Experience

    • The director of development is a member of the management team, and sometimes a member of the organization's executive team. Questions such as, "Tell us about your last work experience and the results you achieved," or, "What has been a highlight of your recent experience?" are questions that provide a detailed overview of the previous employment experiences of the candidate. Questions should probe for experiences that combined revenue generation with awareness building, and should also seek to assess the candidate's ability to manage relationships.

    Soft Skills

    • Director of development may be a management position, but it also a front-line position, because the role requires work with the media and the public through community events. It is imperative that interview panels inquire about the soft skills of all candidates. Probe to see how personable, even-keeled and persuasive they are. Ask situational assessment questions such as, "Describe a time when your strong interpersonal abilities drove organizational success."

    Professional Connections

    • A director of development must have a solid network of contacts in the industry in which she works. Connections are necessary for raising awareness and increasing donations. Ask about affiliations with relevant professional associations to find out how professionally connected the candidate is. Or, simply ask an open-ended question: "How do you maintain your network of contacts in the industry?"


    • The development arena is about fostering positive relationships. Having references readily available reflects candidates' capabilities in relationship building and maintenance. Involve the interviewee with a question such as, "What would your references say about you?" or probe further with a question such as, "How did you develop the relationships you have with your references?" Such questions provide an opportunity to determine the quality of the candidate's professional relationships.

    Social Media

    • Increasingly, not-for-profit and related organizations require people with social media abilities in positions such as director of development. "Having an active social media presence on Twitter, Facebook and within other 2.0 applications is a cost-effective method of promotion for organizations," according to the website Mashable. Asking a question such as, "Have you launched or managed social media campaigns related to organizational development?" forms an important part of the assessment process.
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