Thursday, November 15, 2012

Disaster Recovery Interview Questions

1. A Hot Site is a term used in disaster recovery to describe a location that an organisation can move to after a disaster occurs. However, what does a Hot Site actually equate to?

A location that can resume some essential operations but obviously not all
None of these
A location that does not have the capacity to resume all operations but has the potential to give enough time
A location fully equipped to resume operations

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2. The auditor is always required to review and determine the adequacy of the company’s insurance coverage. Which two insurance types are the most common considerations in a disaster recovery audit?

Property and Life
Property and Casualty
None of these
Property and Building

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3. Which of the following processes is an auditor likely to perform during a disaster recovery audit?

Testing of procedures
All of these
Examination of training records and certifications
Inquiry of all employees

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4. The business impact analysis is usually performed after which other stage in creating the Business Continuity Plan?

Sell the concept of the BCP
None. Its never performed during the creation of the BCP
Lower level departments understand the BCP
Identify the scope of the BCP

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5. The BCP usually contains several types of measures to reduce or eliminate security threats. Which types of measures are they?

Preventive, Detective and Corrective measures
Preventive and Corrective measures
Corrective measures
Preventive and Detective measures

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6. What is the missing terminology from the sentence below: The ___ is the point in time to which you must recover data as defined by your organization. This is generally a definition of what an organization determines is an "acceptable loss" in a disaster situation.

None of these

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