At my venture capital firm, Cue Ball, we seek out great talent with whom
we can partner, invest and grow exciting new ideas and businesses.
My colleagues and I try to stay true to the principle of a
founding figure of venture capital, Georges Doriot, who was fond of
saying that it's always better to back an A team with a B plan than an A
plan with a B team. In other words, people always trump ideas. That's
because while top talent can improve misguided ideas, the best ideas
can't improve mediocre talent.
Cue Ball's philosophy,
therefore, has always been that the ultimate customer in venture capital
isn't the venture capitalist but the entrepreneur. If you're doing your
job right and attracting the best talent, then it's the entrepreneur
who will be choosing you as opposed to you choosing the entrepreneur.
This should be the case in job interviews as well. Too often,
employers forget that they need the candidate as much as the candidate
needs them.
Perhaps out of arrogance, interviewers tend to
spend most of their time asking the candidate questions and only
reserve the last couple of minutes for the candidate to ask any
questions of them.
You only need to survey a handful of
recent job candidates or sit in on a few job interviews to conclude that
there's usually too little interactive dialogue and too much one-way
questioning of the candidate: Why are your skills right for this
position? What was your last job like? How are you going to add value to
the company? What is your work ethic? What are three adjectives that
describe your attitude? What are your weaknesses?
All of
these questions are variations on a theme: Why should we care about you?
And they all generally fit into the ''skill'' and ''will'' buckets.
Yet if you want the best talent, then almost by definition you
should want talent that is in demand and has options. Your mindset
therefore needs to be that of both job evaluator and talent scout. And
as with venture capitalists and entrepreneurs, it is the talent that is
the ultimate customer. The power always rests with the candidate, not
the employer.
This has big implications for job
interviews. Employers should think about how often they've asked the
most practical and important of all job interview questions: If you were
given this opportunity, would you take it?
Firms often
neglect to ask this question because they're so focused on a job
candidate's skills. But the first 15 to 20 minutes of an interview is
usually plenty of time to determine someone's capabilities.
The next time you finish an interview, ask yourself if you have a
sense of whether the candidate would actually join your firm if given
the chance. If you have no idea - which is the answer I hear far too
often - then you've failed to take full advantage of the interview.
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