Saturday, November 10, 2012

Business case study interview questions

I was recently invited to a second round Accenture for their Consulting Stream as an experienced hire. I had been told by the HR rep that this would involve an interview with a recruiter (Competency based) and Senior Manager (Case Study). The interview began with the Interviewer leading me to the interview room and asking me to sit down.

Tell me about yourself.
Why do you want to work for Accenture?
What is your biggest achievement?
Tell me about a time when you set goals for yourself?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Tell me about a time when you had to help someone change or improve something they were doing?
Tell me about a time where you have improved something?
How would you approach a new team? What would you do?
Tell me about a time when you have failed and how did you deal with that?
What Salary would you like? (answer this one carefully because the offer they make will probably be a result of this answer).

The HR interviewer then left me and I waited for the second Interview, who was a senior manager within Accenture. The interviewer was very nice and friendly and started by asking similar (behavioral interview) questions to the previous interviewer. They were mainly competency based and similar to the ones mentioned above.

There were several questions about my Leadership experience and how I had handled difficult situations relating to Team Leading in the past. For e.g. Did I shield my team from the pressures that were applied from higher management or did I make sure that they knew what was on the line.

Business Case Study Facts – Case Study – 9 BritAir

The business case study was about an international Airline with a market cap of 32 billion. The Company was seeing its market segment being eroded by smaller no frills airlines. BritAir was also seen as a market leader in the industry, they were particularly strong in the Business Travellers arena. The Business had shown strong performance results globally and influence in airports.

The business however had seen a decline in business lately. The company had an online reservation system but it was not as good as their competitors. They also had little variance in products. The company had appointed a new CEO who wanted to merge with another Rival but the Employees feel the Brand will be damaged

These were the details I can remember off the top of my head as they do not allow you to take the case study details with you. The Case Study then asked several Management Consultancy type questions, such as; What would you do if you were brought as a consultant to advise the company? How would you improve their brand? How would you ensure that the concerns of the employees are addressed? How would you ensure that your brand isn’t damaged? What are the big issues? What are the strengths of the business? and what would you change?

My answer: They should continue with the merger and keep the two brands independant. The company should then consolidate their primary functions between the two brands (HR, Marketing, Sales and Support), this will protect the original Brand facilitate growth and enable them to enter another Market Segment.

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