Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Business grad school interview questions

This Round 1 candidate for HBS shows that it’s never too late to share your MBA admissions interview experience!  The Clear Admit Wiki is a running repository for MBA applicants to post their experiences with the admissions process.  This Round 1 candidate shared the following questions from an HBS adcom member:

“Started off with small talk: When did you arrive? What have you done since? etc
She explained that she had read my entire file and that the interview process would not allow for any questions afterwards.
  1. What is something outside of the curriculum that you really enjoyed at [COLLEGE]?
  2. Why did you decide on [FIRST JOB]?
  3. How did you secure [FIRST JOB]?
  4. [Numerous job specific follow-ups]
  5. What do you think has made you so successful?
  6. What is the work environment in your current job like?
  7. What are your specific responsibilities?
  8. When did you decide to get an MBA?
  9. Why do you want to go to Wall Street?
  10. What experiences outside the curriculum are you looking forward to at HBS?
  11. In your professional experience, what was your biggest accomplishment?
  12. What would you say is the biggest difference between the two jobs you’ve had?
  13. What’s your leadership style?
  14. What is the latest book you’ve read?
  15. Is there anything you wanted me to ask you that I didn’t?”
To see more MBA admissions interview reports, check out the Clear Admit Wiki – a free resource with hundreds of real, documented interview experiences from b-school applicants. Also, if you’d like to help your fellow applicants by adding your experiences, please send us your interview field report and we’ll post it to the wiki. Finally, if you’d like even more helpful hints and detailed analysis on how to ace your interview, check out our line of Interview Guides, which demystify the most common questions asked by the leading programs and offer step-by-step guidance for a successful interview.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the Clear Admit Wiki and best of luck to those still undergoing admissions interviews!

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